
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A snap before enjoying a cup of coffee

girls' talk

Ric did great job of taking snaps while we walk alone New World.

girls' talk

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

sunshine through trees

Hard to image how hectic it will turn out in night time....

an afternoon walk

I and Bella

I and Bella walks in New World where a famous tourism point.Atmosphere there in the afternoon is quite lay back actually.No reservation no table if you visit it in night time though lots of restaurants and clubs.

友誼會堂 opposites Portman Ritz Carlton

A historic building locates opposits of Portman Ritz Carlton on 南京西路

varieties of entries


Very Zen,very nice~~

famous franchiser dining rstaurant in Shanghai

Huge building with choices of common area and VIP rooms.It serves local Shanghai cousin with elegant presentation.

layers of express ways

The sunset in this season is charming.It may takes me long time to be dare to drive in Shanghai city.....

the tunnel connects both sides of 黃埔江


banks that we are familiar with...

TWN bankers find hard to get involve into China market though a huge demands are increasing.The law obliges bankers provides serves or any transaction.

under construction

plenty of highrise building are under construction in cities in China.Tourists like us really feel the energy from the city and it's people!


Look up the tower which is significant if you have a chance to stand below it.Friends suggest us to return when it night time cause it will be more pretty with the light on.

some highrise buildings in Pudon

The view look out of the guest room

This neighbourhood is quite new in Shanghai where takes 25~30 min of driving to downtown.

a bed room we stay while we stay in Shanghai

This is the guest room at Mr.Liu's place in Shanghai who's also a very good friend of our family.Uncle Liu took good care of us while w are in Shanghai.

star buses in Shanghai

hei hei~I love those stars on buses which runs everywhere in the city.

outside of the cafe

beautiful autumn sunshine in Shanghai in the moring.Lots of Japanese and Korean ladies sip cup of tea at this cafe.


free cookies are served with anything customers order.Bright and cozy cafe with good coffee.Pricy as well.....

Monday, November 13, 2006
